

65 Uppsatser om Douglas Raber - Sida 1 av 5

Bibliotek i tunnelbanan ? en ideologisk analys

The aim of this thesis is to investigate the reason behind thedecision to open libraries at subway stations in Stockholm.The theoretical framework for the study is Douglas Raber´s threeideologies, social activism, conservative response and populistinitiative. The study includes interviews with librarians and apolitician responsible for the service and documents with plansfor the Public Libraries development during the period. Theempirical material was examined with an idea- and ideologicalanalysis.The conclusion is that the concept of the subway libraries consistsof a combination of the three ideologies but the most evidentare those of populist initiative and social activism.The reason for opening libraries at subway stations is to makethe libraries more easily accessible, to attract new visitors and tomake the Public Libraries service more visible. These smalllibraries have a function as a market place for the Public Librariesand as a meeting place in the city..

Folkbiblioteket är demokratins grundpelare: Dagspressens debatt med anledning av moderaternas Kulturen 2.0

This master?s thesis attends to a debate in the Swedish daily press concerning the public library which arose after the Swedish Moderate Party?s publication of their cultural political document Kulturen 2.0. This document contains a number of standpoints, of which three directly concern the public library: charges on book loans, libraries on contract and politically balanced purchase policy. In all, 28 articles are examined by means of an idea and ideological analysis. The purpose is to find out what is behind the conflicts surrounding attitudes about the public library's mission and activity in an era of needs for change.

Överlevnad och tillväxt för Douglasgran i södra Sverige

After the two big hurricanes called ?Gudrun? (2005) and ?Per? (2007) in the south of Sweden, some landowners planted Douglas fir instead of the traditional Norway spruce and Scots pine. They did it for different reasons. Some of them spreading their "risk", others because they wanted better growth or to obtain a more storm-resistant stand and trees more protected against rot. In this study, survival and growth were examined on Douglas fir in 21 different locations, owned by private landowners in southern Sweden.

Biblioteken och 2.0. En idéanalys av synen på den sociala webben i några skandinaviska bibliotekstidningar.

In this thesis we have examined opinions of the social web in Scandinavian Library journals. Our interest lies in aspects about the social web, and above all about Library 2.0. The central question is how this new technology, a growing digitalization, and a social web that focuses on interactivity and participation affects opinions about libraries. We have investigated opinions about Library 2.0, with respect to three different dimensions: The role of the library in society, power/hierarchy and knowledge. The method used in this thesis is idea analysis using these dimensions as analytical instrument.

Vad får det lov att vara: en bok eller ett tv-spel? En studie om folkbibliotekens inköp av medier.

The purpose of this Master`s thesis is to examine if the pur-chase of media in public libraries reflects the library's role in society. Two questions have been posed: ? What view of public library's role in society is reflected in the purchase of media? ? What principles guide the selection of media in public li-braries in Sweden? In order to investigate these questions, we used a question-naire that we sent out to a sample of 120 public libraries in Sweden. The analysis is based on a theory of three ap-proaches to the role of the library developed by Douglas Raber. The three approaches are the conservative approach, the populist approach and the social approach.

Hur ser de kemiska principerna för mätning av metabolism med hjälp av indirekt kalorimetri ut? En metodjämförelse mellan Douglas-bag och Oxycon Stationary Pro

Oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production are usual measurements within the sports and training physiology. The same measurements are also common when it comes to establish the amount of energy that is used during work and to establish the intensity of work. The volume of oxygen that is consumed contra the volume of carbon dioxide that is produced can be used to calculate the metabolic rate within the human body. This calculation shows the percent relationship between carbohydrates and fat in the metabolism. The first accurate method to measure the breathing gases for use in metabolic calculation was established in the early twenty century when the Douglas bag method was introduced.

?Det är böcker som är meningen med ett bibliotek?: Hur bibliotekarien i barn- och ungdomslitteraturen bemöter användare.

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine the librarians? perception of the users of children?s and young people?s literature. Questions posed in this study are: How are the librarians described according to appearance, personality and interaction with the users? How are the librarians described compared to former studies on the subject? Which perception can be seen, based on Douglas Rabers?s theory which describes the role the public libraries can take in the society? The study is based on content analysis. We have examined 15 descriptions of librarians in both picture books and literature for young adults, published between 1985 and 2006.

En snäll tantroman gör ingen skada en kritisk studie om skyltning och makt

The purpose of our thesis is to take a closer look at what lies behind the display of fiction in public libraries. Through interviewing ten librarians and analysing their statements, it examines the mechanisms behind the displaying of books. The analysis was conducted through the application of two different theories, one by Aant Elzinga and one by Douglas Raber. Elzingas theory concerns methods of working, while Rabers theory concerns the purpose of public libraries and attitudes towards power. The following conclusions were drawn from analysing the statements.

Translog kostnadsfunktion: Estimering av Phillipskurvan

Denna uppsats har baserats på den Nya Keynesianska Phillipskurvan (NKPC) som utvecklades av Gali och Gertler (1999). Det huvudsakliga syftet var att skatta den svenska Phillipskurvan och sedan hitta de relevanta faktorer som påverkar inflationen. Den ursprungliga NKPC relaterar inflation till marginalkostnad och framtida inflationsförväntningar. Den enda skillnaden mellan Galis och Gertlers och Bengt Assarssons specifikation av Phillipskurvan, är att han använder en Translog kostnadsfunktion som ett alternativ till Cobb-Douglas kostnadsfunktionen för att mäta marginalkostnaden. På grund av detta har inflationsnivån i ekonomin inte bara påverkas av förändringen i löner som i fallet med Cobb-Douglas kostnadsfunktion.

Tv-spel ? självklart: Hermeneutisk studie om inställningen till tv-spel på fyra svenska folkbibliotek

The purpose of this thesis is to attain a deepened understanding concerning views on videogames at four Swedish public libraries, especially in relation to library practice and how videogames fit within this context. It also aims to provide insight as to why these libraries have included videogames in their collections and what thoughts were behind it. To fulfill this aim we conducted a qualitative hermeneutic study, using interviews as the main source of research material, but also written materials and a lecture on the city library of Malmö and how they work with videogames. The theoretical framework of the study is founded on Dorte Skot-Hansen?s and Douglas Raber?s theories on the values, roles and functions of public libraries.

Renhet och smuts i personarkivet : Ett antropologiskt perspektiv på ordnandet och förtecknandet av personarkiv

Personal archives are a largely neglected subject in archival theory. Among the consequences of this is the absenceof any general established or formalized practices when it comes to arrangement and description. Thisstudy opposes the notion that an archival institution without formal systems of arrangement and description doesnot order and describe archives in accordance with a general conceptual framework of a correct order. Supportingitself on the anthropological theory of Mary Douglas on dirt and cleanliness, it studies the implicit notions oforder that can be found in the archival descriptions of the personal archives kept by the Swedish national archives.Several patterns where revealed by the study: among them the primacy of quantity stood out. The vaguesystem of categories based on Martin Grass description model appears only to be employed loyally where quantitiesof the particular categories are such that they constitute complete volumes, which seem to be the cardinaljustifier of categorical division within the archive.

Miljökonsekvensbeskrivning med stöd av geografiska informationssytem (GIS) : bullerstudie kring Malmö-Sturup flygplats

Den övergripande målsättningen med denna uppsats är att visa hur GIS kan fungera som stöd i en MKB. För att exemplifiera detta genomförs i denna uppsats en specificerad studie kring flygbullerpåverkade områden vid Malmö-Sturup flygplats. Flyg-bullerkartor erhölls från Luftfartsverket (LFV). Analyser gjordes för olika startriktningar om flygbullrets interferens med bland annat människor, naturvård, kulturmiljö, friluftsliv, fastigheter (egendomar) samt med några tätorters expansionspotential. Jämförelser genomfördes mellan flygplanstyperna McDonell Douglas MD80 och McDonell Douglas DC9.

Utveckling av gran, Douglasgran, bok och tall under skärm av hybridlärk :

?Development of Norway spruce, Douglas fir beech and Scots pine with a larch shelter wood? is a report written by Per-Olof Magnusson. The thesis is a compulsory part of forest engineer program at ?Skogsmästarskolan?, SLU, Skinnskatteberg, Sweden. The purpose of this report is to describe and evaluate an experiment with hybrid larch (Larix x eurolepis) as shelter wood, and different tree species growth and survival depending on the density of the shelter wood. The experiment is conducted by southern Swedish forest research centre, faculty of forestry, SLU in Alnarp. The hybrid larch ought to be an interesting alternative to birch (Betula sp.) as shelterwood on suitable sites in southern Sweden.

Myten om Palme : En texttolkning av dokumentären Palme och dess skildring av det sociala minnet efter Olof Palme som norm eller anomali

?The myth of Palme- a textual analysis of the documentary Palme and its description of the social memory of Olof Palme as a norm or anomaly? by Emma Svanström aims to analyze how the directors of the documentary Palme choose to present Olof Palme to the future generations. Also the goal is to find out if their version presents Palme as a person who followed the norms or was divergent.To this purpose the thesis use textual analysis combined with a quantitative method in search of which persons the directors give the right to form the myth of Palme and which keywords they use to do describe him. To view the film as a social memory in the transformation to a myth the thesis use Jan Assmans theory of social memory and to find out if the documentary describes Palme as following the norms or divergent it uses Mary Douglas theory of anomaly.The results show that it is mainly the narrator and Olof Palme that gets to form the myth of him but also his family, friends, fellow employees and other persons that met him or was affected by his actions. Palme is discribed as special, intelligent, interested in social politics and able to act as he saw fit even if it was against the norms.

Liftarens Guide, från bokstäver till sifferkod

I min uppsats har jag gjort en intermedial adaptionsanalys av Douglas Adams roman The Hitchhiker´s Guide to the Galaxy och Hammer and Tong´s filmatisering med samma titel. Den teori som främst legat till grund för min analys är Roland Barthes strukturalistiska teori om de narrativa funktionerna, och jag har även använt mig av forskaren Brian McFarlane som har vidareutvecklat Barthes teori för att anpassa den för adaptionsstudier när roman blir film. Jag valde att fokusera på de narrativa funktioner som Barthes benämner som kärnfunktioner, vilka är de som utgör berättelses grund. I och med kärnfunktionerna och deras potentiella förändringar studerade jag även hur romanens tema blivit påverkat av trasformationen. Min frågeställnig var följande:? Vilka kärnfunktioner finns i romanen?? Vilka kärnfunktioner finns i filmen?? Skiljer sig kärnfunktionerna åt och i så fall på vilket sätt? Jag tittade även närmare på katalysatorerna och sättet de förankrar berättelsen i den fiktionella världen.

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